The KDP Micro-Grant program provides businesses with opportunities to activate their spaces in a way that will positively affect the community.
- Inspires collectively reimagining and reinvention of private and public spaces as the heart of a community.
- Strengthens the connection between people and their shared places.
- Maximizes shared value through collaboration.
- Facilitates creative patterns of use, paying attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.
Grants are defined in two categories.
- Physical space improvement suggestions include new paint color, new façade features, flowerpots, lighting, art installation, signage and more. Be creative!
- Event space activation envision businesses to host new* events that invite people into your space. This could include events for unique groups, musical performances, DJs, temporary art installations, or other creative experiences within your space, sidewalk or alleyway that are free to the public and promote and benefit Downtown Kent. (*new meaning: not an existing and/or regularly occurring event you are currently producing).
Applications will be vetted by the KDP Design and Promotions committees with staff assistance, utilizing the following criteria to evaluate each application.
Note: Preference will be given to applications where the change meets more than one of the following criteria.
- Cultural Community Support – Will the change provide a rich cultural experience?
- Visual Appeal – Will the change improve the look or feel of Downtown Kent?
- Impact on Traffic – – Will the change attract more people to Downtown Kent?
- Diversity and Inclusion– Will the change encourage diversity and inclusion?
- Investment – Will the applicant also invest in the change?
Eligible businesses will receive reimbursement up to $1000.00. Funds will be awarded when documentation of the change is properly delivered to KDP. Businesses can apply once per calendar year.
To be eligible to receive a micro-grant, applicants must satisfy the following requirements:
- Operate a street-level business or own a property within Downtown Kent (considered for purposes of this program to be between Central and 4th Avenues, and Titus and Smith Streets)
- Submit to KDP either a schematic or in-depth description of the proposed change and an estimate of the cost for the change. For physical changes, include 1-2 photos of the “before” photos.
- During the change: capture 3-5 photos and tag the KDP on social media using Instagram (@kentdowntownpartnership) and Facebook (@KentDowntownPartnershis)– OR – email 1-3 high-quality photos to and provide right of use authorization to KDP for use of photos for KDP marketing.
- Complete the proposed change(s) within the specified timeline of the grant cycle; provide KDP with photos, request for reimbursement and receipts for up to $1000 for the completed change.
- All are welcome to apply. The committees will give preference to applicants not previously awarded micro-grant(s).
- Paid employee time is not eligible for reimbursement.
- Projects must benefit Downtown Kent and create a notable improvement.
- Applications accepted Jan 1 – Oct 30
- Committee response deadline Within 21 days of application
- Project completion: Within the latter of 180 days from approval, or December 31 of same year.
For more information, please contact KDP Executive Director at or 253-813-6976
- Please refer to the City of Kent Community Planning and Development department for detailed information about signage within Downtown Kent.
- Additional permits or licenses may be necessary. Please contact the City of Kent Planning Dept to inquire: Phone: 253-856-5454
Apply for the grant here.
photo courtesy of