Published On: June 18th, 2024Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

Our downtown is historic and so is our lighting — it’s time for an update!

Welcome to our fundraiser to shine a light on history.  A bright future is ahead!
Campaign Goal: $100,000
Campaign Duration: July-Dec 31, 2024

VISION   Imagine strolling Kent’s historic streets, where buildings and pathways are bathed in a warm, welcoming glow. Beautiful light will create a magical atmosphere, drawing visitors and residents to explore and enjoy our downtown.

We invite you to join us in preserving and celebrating our vibrant downtown by installing artistic, energy-efficient lighting that will enhance its beauty and safety.

What Are We Doing and Why Your Support Matters:

•  Preservation and Beauty: Proper lighting highlights historic buildings.
•  Safety: Well-lit streets and walkways enhance livability for everyone, reducing the risk of accidents and deterring crime.
•  Economic Growth: An illuminated downtown attracts more residents and visitors, boosting local businesses and encouraging economic growth.
•  Community Pride: Attractive lighting evokes a sense of pride in residents, promoting a stronger and more connected community.

How Your Contribution Will Be Used:   

Funds will be used for lighting consultant(s), structural engineering, design, electrical infrastructure, lighting hardware, installation by specialized contractors, and maintenance.

Ways to Contribute:
Participate in the Main Street Tax Credit Program
    • Contributing via this program, you support the project AND receive a 75% tax credit on your State B&O tax liability, helping to keep your tax dollars local.
    • Bonus! Your contribution to our 501(c)3 nonprofit is a federal tax deduction.
      • Contributors will also receive recognition per the sponsor levels below.
      • IMPORTANT:  Contributors through this program must register with the State Dept of Revenue on October 1st!

Interested in this program?  Contact Gaila Haas at 253-813-6976 for information.

    • Marquee Sponsor ($25,000 and up) You’re the project champion! Receive top tier recognition, VIP award, an exclusive feature story on our website, and the benefits listed below.
    • Spotlight Sponsor ($10,000 up to $25,000) 
    • Trailblazer Sponsor ($2,500 up to $10,000)
    • Supporting Star Sponsor (Up to $2,500)

Sponsorship Benefits: Sponsors will receive logo placement and a shared feature story on our website, your name in a downtown display, press release & social media announcement(s) and an invitation to our project celebration event.

Interested in this program? Contact Gaila Haas at 253-813-6976.

    • Make a Tax-Deductible Donation – any amount appreciated!

All contributors will be recognized on our website/social media and campaign materials.

  1. What if we don’t reach the goal of $100K?
    • The project WILL move forward in phases commensurate with funding received
  2. What exactly will be installed?
    • We are currently working with a lighting expert to review project concepts, goals and feasibility; we will keep the campaign updated as we progress.
  3. When will the project begin?
    • Project kick-off will be tied to funding, design, permit approvals and private property access/agreement

Have further questions?  Contact Executive Director Gaila Haas at 253-813-6976 or


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