Kent Crawl 2.1K

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Connect for a Cause!   Join us for a self-guided 2.1K walk (or jog)  between Historic downtown and Kent Station.  It’s closer than you think!

Grab your friends for some outdoor fun and fitness June 3 – 17.    The route will include stops at participating businesses where you’ll get a special event discount coupon to use the day of, or return to use later.

How it works: 

    1. Purchase a ticket
    2. We’ll email you the map route on June 2nd
    3. Pick up your hat at Road Runner Sports at Kent Station from June 1 – 17.    This is self guided, go & stop your own pace event.
    4. Stop at designated businesses during business hours to pick up your special offer coupon!


$20  w/hat               While supplies last!

$10 w/o hat

Thank you for your support!  Proceeds from this event benefit the Kent Downtown Partnership and go towards future programing.


Thank you to our value sponsor:


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